Camp Emmanuel has specified check-in times (3pm) and check out times (11am). Changes to these times MUST be requested and approved by Camp Administrator and are not guaranteed.
Check-in: By the time you are on your way, we will be so stoked to see you. We will work with you ahead of time to make sure you can get going upon arrival. If you have not been on site beforehand, we will make sure you get a tour and answer any questions you may have about your reserved spaces.
We have keypads on all the cabin doors. Cabin codes will be provided upon payment. If paid in advance, we can issue key codes ahead of time by email. Otherwise, codes and keys will be provided upon arrival.
***Late Night Check-ins: We know that the Outer Banks is usually a bit of a trek for most and that means at times there are late evening and night arrivals. Camp Emmanuel does have set office hours and appreciates that being kept in mind, but we will certainly work with you to make accommodations when and how we can. Please just notify us in advance.
Check-out: Check out time is 11am, unless an alternate time has been arranged. We ask that you honor your check out time so we can make sure there is ample time for cleaning and maintenance before the next guests’ arrival.
You are responsible to leave all spaces as you found them. Remove trash from all spaces, make sure you check for belongings in nooks and crannies, return furnishing to their assigned spaces and set air/ heat to the correct temperature.
As noted in the facility use agreement, you are responsible for the cost of repairs on damages.