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About Camp Emmanuel

Our Mission and Values

At Camp Emmanuel our mission is to provide a space where children, youth, and adults encounter Jesus Christ, experience the heart of Father, discover their identity in Christ, and connect in right relationships through WORD, WORSHIP, FELLOWSHIP, and PRAYER.


Our Story

Camp Emmanuel is tucked away on 19 acres of maritime forest on the sound side of the Outer Banks in Colington, North Carolina. It is the product of prayers and vision of many people in the Liberty Christian Fellowship Community who had a desire to reach and serve the lost, broken, and hurting. 


 From the earliest days until now, our mission remains the same, and what you see today was built on the foundation on so many faithful pioneers who prayed over this ground.

Our Mission

Camp Emmanuel is available to outside churches and organizations whose mission is focused on teaching and applying the Gospel of Jesus Christ like we are commanded in Matthew 28: 19-20. “ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


Our Values

We firmly believe that as our Father's children, the new nature we have in Christ produces the Father's values in us.  Out of those values flow the vision for our role in the mission of making disciples. 


THE FATHER's HEART (Matthew 28:19,20)

Our mission is to make disciples of all peoples.  It is the Father's heart that all the children would come home.


Identity in Christ (I John 3:1)

Growing in Christ is all about becoming who we are created to be.  We were created to be Sons and Daughters of God.


Right Relationships (Luke 10:27)

As Sons and Daughters of God, we have the privilege of loving God with all our heart and loving one another as we have been loved.  You are never more rightly related to someone than you are when you are washing their feet.

What We Believe

We Believe

the Scriptures contained in the Bible are the inspired Word of God

We Believe

in one God manifested in three persons:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We Believe

man is a created being made in the image and likeness of God

We Believe

man was alienated from God by committing the original sin in the Garden of Eden


We Believe

salvation is a free gift of God purchased by the completed work of Christ on the cross and is not a product of our human effort.

We believe

in baptism by immersion and is a direct command of our Lord

We believe

that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God as promised by our Lord Jesus CHrist

We believe

in celebrating the Lord's death until He comes by regularly taking communion

Our Core Beliefs in Detail: LCF CORE BELIEFS

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